This is part 3 of 3 in the series about creating a kickass Facebook Ad (that doesn’t suck).

Now that you understand how Facebook Ads can benefit your business and how they work, let’s talk about creating one.

This article will give you:

In order to create a successful Facebook Ad for your cleaning business, these are the steps you’ll need to take:

Need a little extra boost for your Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads Manager is located on your business page's dropdown menu.

After you begin creating your ad, you'll be given the option to create a pixel.

Step 1: Create Your Pixel

Before we begin creating our ad, let's do a little overview first... A pixel (Facebook’s version of a cookie) is the ultimate deciding factor for the success of all Facebook ads.

Facebook pixels allow your cleaning business to…

Target your audience and service area... and even create Ad Sets to see your audience's interests!

Take advantage of the audience tips. Facebook will even tell you when you're too specific or broad.

Check out your audience insights map within your Account Overview.

Here’s a quick tutorial for setting up your Facebook pixel:

Here's a more in-depth guide for setting up your Facebook Pixel:

Step 2: Create Your Ad Campaign & Ad Set

Click on “Ads Manager”, which is located in the drop-down menu.

For 99% of you, you’re going to choose “Create Complete Campaigns,” when you receive the prompt in the next step.

Only those who have experience with social media marketing and Facebook Ads Manager should choose “Create Campaign Shells”.

We don’t need to go into specifics here… just know “Create Complete Campaigns” is easier, because it takes you step-by-step.

Click “Create” and choose which way you’d like to create your campaign.

Click "Create New Campaign" and "Create New Ad Set".

Step 3: Choose Your Objective

After you’ve clicked “Create Complete Campaigns,” Facebook Ads Manager will then form a list of objectives (aka campaign types) for you to choose from.

After you choose an objective, Facebook Ads algorithm will automatically optimize your campaigns based on your chosen objective.

If you choose:

This is an example of a conversion ad we did to gain more acquisitions (members):

How to Choose Your Objective

I want to get back to ad creation, but let’s briefly break down each objective:

Since you’re more than likely a residential cleaning business, you’re going to choose the conversion objective 90% of time.

Step 4: Choose Your Audience

Remember that pixel audience we talked about earlier? This is where you pick which one you're using for your ad.

This is what sets Facebook apart from other social media ads.

With your Facebook audience, you can:

Test out different options to see what works for your cleaning business. You want your Custom Audience number to be as high as possible… unless you’re in a metroplex, such as Dallas - then you’ll want your Custom Audience as close to 600,000 - 1 million as possible.

Fair warning though, you also don't want to target too large of an audience either.

You should target people that are 24+ for both genders.

When you’ve never created an audience, be as broad as possible - find out what works/doesn’t work for your cleaning business. Add as many fields relating to your business as possible (i.e. all applicable genders, languages and field-related interests).

When you get enough clicks (a few dozen or so), go back and evaluate the demographic data. Then, go back to your Custom Audience and make it more targeted (specific).

Detailed targeting allows you to narrow down your audience.

Unlike any other social media ad platforms, this feature allows you to target users based on their interests.

Always start advertising broadly, find out what works, and then narrow down your audience.

When you have some substantial traffic and engagement, you’ll be able to utilize Facebook’s Audience Insights to find out your target market’s interests.

Step 5: Choose Your Placements and Budget

Choosing Your Placements

Almost always, “automatic placements” is your best course of action. This gives Facebook more wiggle room to optimize, and see which placements give you a better result.

If you opt not to do this, expect to hire a full-time marketer for your cleaning business. Deciding not to choose “automatic placements” is going to create more work and a working knowledge of social media advertising.

Choosing Your Budget

You’ll be able to begin seeing results with a budget of just $5 a day.

There aren’t exact stats behind this one. Just common sense.

If you’re utilizing social media marketing (even for as small as $5), you’re increasing your awareness and creating more conversions.

Typically, it’s better for most small cleaning companies to keep a small Facebook Ads budget. It allows you to have more “trial-and-error” to figure out what is or isn’t working.

Additionally, it gives you more time to hire new employees as needed and grow your business at your own pace. And remember, your budget can (and should) be changed as needed.

Pro tip: Sometimes, it can take up to a week to start seeing results for Facebook Ads. So, don’t change your ads budget more than 50% within 3 days. You’ll essentially be throwing away unnecessary money.

You have to give Facebook’s algorithm time to “work its magic”. Just post. Sit back for a bit. And let the magic happen.

Consider adding an end date to your ads. This way, if you forget about your ads, you won’t lose money on ads that aren’t working. You’ll have time to go back later and evaluate the data.

Like a lot of things in Facebook Ads Manager -  usually, you’ll want to set your bid amount to “automatic”.

The only reason you’d choose “maximum cost per conversion” is if you knew the Lifetime Client Value (LCV) to the exact decimal as well as your exact prices.

Step 6: Creating a Facebook Ad

Facebook uses a “relevance score” to review your ads, which are based on:

Second to your “Audience,” your image and copywriting have a big impact on your relevance score.

The most successful ads have the most engaging pictures and copy. This goes back to the best possible user experience to keep them on Facebook.

Here's a quick overview - in order to create a Facebook Ad, simply:

Step 7: Choose Your Format

Facebook has several ad formats that are used for different purposes.

Let’s outline each of the ads’ purposes:

Option 1: Photo

This is the easiest option you can choose, but your picture and ad copy need to be really engaging and eye-catching.

You’ll choose this option when you’re trying to…

Some pro tips for this ad format:

Option 2: Video

This is one of the storyteller ads. If you have a story to tell, this format is for you. You’ll have a variety of styles and length options. Choose a short video for those who are on the go or a longer video for the people chilling at home.

This is a great Top of Funnel ad, and in today’s world it’s a MUST. Video is huge.

Some pro tips for this ad format (please note, I’m only including the ones that might apply to your cleaning business):

Here’s how to create the best mobile video ad:

Option 3: Stories

This is a second option for a storytelling ad (the first being through videos).

These are videos with captions throughout… it’s almost like a video slideshow.

Your potential cleaning clients (and Facebook’s algorithm) will like this, because…

Why this format can help your cleaning business:

Option 4: Messenger

If you want to strike a conversation with your leads or clients, this is a great option.

This gives you the potential to really connect with them. As a bonus, you can add interactive or automated features.

Some pro tips for for this ad format:

Option 5: Carousel

This ad format is great for showcasing the different packages or services you’re selling to new or existing cleaning clients.

Additionally, you can add up to 10 images within a single ad with different links. You can also use this format to tell your cleaning business’ story.

Here are a few ways you can use it…

Option 6: Slideshow

These are similar to video ads, but with shorter clips telling a story.

This format is great if you’re wanting to make a video ad that seamlessly integrates across all devices and internet connections.

Choose the slideshow ad format when…

This ad format makes it easy to use images you already have.

Slideshows allow you to:

Step 8: Write Your Ad

In order to write a great ad for your cleaning business, there are a few things you should focus on:

Your Headline

Your cleaning business’ headline should:

Your Copy

Essentially, your ad copy should go into further detail about the deeper benefits of choosing YOUR cleaning business.

Make it as engaging and informative as possible, but keep it short (80 characters or less).

Step 9: Publish. Test. Rinse & Repeat…

After you’ve completed these steps, go ahead and publish your ad!

Not sure about the ad?

That’s okay. Publish it anyways.

You should always test different ads against each other. This allows you to see what’s working, and what’s not working. Trying playing with different audiences, headlines, copy and images - see what works for YOU and YOUR cleaning business.

To test an ad, simply:

[elementor-template id="17622"]


In today’s world, Facebook Ads are an essential part of growing your cleaning business.

This article gives you:

As a cleaning business owner, you NEED to focus on working ON your business rather than IN it.

Stop putting your dreams on hold, and start Facebook marketing your cleaning business, TODAY. You’ll be SO GLAD you did!

Part 1: How Facebook Ads Work for Your Cleaning Business

Part 2: The Lightning FAST Facebook Ads Guide for Cleaners