Author: Lisa Marino

Lisa Marino

Lisa Marino is the Sr. Marketing Director for Service Autopilot. She uses her 17+ years in direct marketing, sales, and product development to push entrepreneurs beyond their limits. She's passionate about helping others grow their businesses through time-tested marketing techniques. When not writing, you can find her belting out a mean Stevie Nicks at a local karaoke night.

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One Easy Way to Teach Your Teams their Bushes, Trees, Flowers, and Weeds
Maybe this has happened to you: You're out on your client's property, getting ready to do some work on her yard. Your client comes out to talk to you. She points at her neighbor's bushes, "You know, I've always liked those. I think I want some right in front of my windows. Do you know […]
Are You Ready to turn Snow into Money?
Here in Texas, we're hitting 90° or higher every day, which means IT'S FINALLY COOLING DOWN. This also means that it's good idea to start preparing for colder weather. Some places are going to start seeing lots of snow in the coming months (yes, even in parts of Texas). Fortunately, if you start gearing up now, […]
How to "Out-Market" Other Maid Services and Cleaning Companies
There were these two food trucks in my home town, we'll call them Taqueria and Cilantro's. Now, Taqueria and Cilantro's were in competition with each other - they were only a few blocks apart, they both served tacos, and they both inhabited the same niche. Taqueria sold the better tacos - they were a little […]
6 Safe Ways to Raise Your Cleaning Prices (without Scaring Away Clients)
Here's a story that NEVER happened: Jim started Jim's Housecleaning 12 years ago, and he hasn't raised his prices once. Not once! His crews are a little underpaid, and he knows some of his best guys are going to leave unless they get more money for their work, so he's decided to raise prices. It's about […]
How to Break into Your Market without Being Rich
The Service Industry is hugely competitive. Whether you're jump-starting your cleaning business, or looking to mow more lawns, it's never going to be easy to break into your market. You're going up against giants here.  So, as the new guy or gal in town, what are your chances?
Is Drive Time Killing Your Profits? (Drive Time Tracking on Your Apple or Android Device)
"We had to mow 20+ lawns that day - that might not seem like so much to the bigger businesses, but for us, this was huge. This was our big day. And those weren't small properties, those were some big, residential lawns. So we worked our asses off, all day. We drove all over town, and I think […]

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