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Author: Owen


Cody is a copywriter with Service Autopilot. He was writing before he could read, dictating stories to his mom. Of late, he distills business principles and practices learned from his ever-increasing trove of books and his year with SA Support into digestible blog posts designed to provide maximum value to service industry business owners.

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How Much Should You Charge for Lawn Mowing Services?
Take off the training wheels. Whether you're a new lawn care business owner or a perpetually small-time owner, you're probably worried about how you've priced your services. You want to know that your price is high enough that you can make money, but low enough so that you can be competitive in your market. This […]
How to Hire Your First Office Assistant
Hiring your first office assistant is a nail-biting experience. You are about to pay someone who will never produce billable work. You will never charge for their time. Yet, if you want to scale your lawn care or landscaping business, you MUST hire the right employees. It feels risky, and many business owners put it […]
3 Ways to Start Building Your Lawn Care Business
Want to know a "Green Industry" secret? You can get into ANY lawn care market you want. The key is to look for the CRACKS in your market. This post will give you the chisel and hammer you need to break into any lawn care market – without GOING BANKRUPT first. Remember this: Every Market has […]
How to Write an Email (That Doesn't Suck)
You put time at a premium. So do your clients. Write emails worth reading and keep 'em short and sweet. Nothing communicates how much you care about a client like the amount of time that goes into your correspondence with them. In the internet millennium, email is the contact method of preference for most people, but the […]
The Number One Reason Most Lawn Care Companies Fail
You’ve sent out mailers, you’ve sweated from block to block leaving door hangers, you've paid a small fortune for internet ads. Your stomach is in knots worrying that all your effort and expense is not going to pay off. How can you get the biggest return on investment from your marketing campaign?
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