Start Spending More Time with the Family

Published on February 14, 2019

“I’m busting my ass to maintain my business, but sometimes I wonder if it’s all worth it… I tell myself I’m doing it for my family, but I never actually SEE my family - because I’m ALWAYS working.”

This is the dilemma EVERY service business owner faces.

When you own a business (especially a new one), balancing work and family is the most challenging part.

… But what if I told you, it doesn’t have to be this way?

There’s a solution.

Service Autopilot will save you thousands of hours a year, and it’ll make you way more productive than you’ve ever been.

If you’re looking to grow your service business, Service Autopilot is right for you.

Here are a few ways that Service Autopilot will speed up your daily tasks… and slow down your worrying:

Watch one of our Academy Elite members explain how Service Autopilot has helped his family and grown his business over the past year…

… by the way, he won Biggest Badass of 2017.


Save hours of your time through our estimating feature.

Our estimates feature allows you to:

  • Email estimates to your clients
  • Track your time for every client
  • Receive “done for you” estimate templates
  • And get tips on how to improve your estimates

Right now, you’re probably creating your own estimates… and it’s wasting thousands of hours of your time. As a business owner, your time is valuable to you.

Every moment you’re throwing away unnecessary chunks of time. That’s time that could be spent with your family.

Oh, and you’re probably wasting money, too.

That wasted time converted to dollars is time that could be spent on tasks that GROW your business.


Crushing through hours upon hours of the day creating schedules (on an Excel spreadsheet nonetheless) is no way to live.

Even if you own a small business - if you have any employees - you NEED a software that can do this for you.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard our members say they spent the majority of their time scheduling.

You didn’t start a business so that you could waste away thousands of hours a year creating schedules in Excel. I even heard one member say he used to create schedules using sticky notes… STICKY NOTES. OUCH!

This can ALL be avoided.

Schedule all your jobs in just a few clicks. We use GPS to dispatch your crews on the most efficient routes, so you save on fuel, man hours and drive time.

With 3 different membership plans to choose from, you can find a plan that works best for your price point. PLUS, you can upgrade later at any time.


This is never a fun job… even if you enjoy math. We do our best to make this process as seamless as possible with our automatic invoicing.

Automatic invoicing allows you to save time and money by automatically invoicing your clients. This means A LOT less work for you.

Additionally, we sync with QuickBooks through “2-way sync”. Basically, that means the platforms are compatible with each other and communicate back-and-forth. This is unique to Service Autopilot!


If you’re not using a software (or you’re using a limited one), things can get confusing QUICKLY.

There’s a lot of math, and if you make a mistake - you can lose a lot of money…

Reporting is arguably one of the most important operations of your business, so you NEED to do it right. Let Service Autopilot take up most of the repetitive work, and help make sure you’re doing your reporting correctly.

As an added bonus: We have 3 ways you can chat with our Support Team, if you need help. You can call, email or use our online chat to get help. They’ll walk you through everything step-by-step.

Plus, you’ll get detailed Reports and Job Costs on things like…

  • Your services,
  • Clients
  • And advertising campaigns.

This will help you get to know your numbers and cut out waste in your company.

Website Forms

If you’ve ever wondered how to give quotes and sell from your website… this is how.

Website Forms will help you sell more quotes from your website.

Forms on your website will:

  • Capture more leads
  • Provide quote requests
  • And make it easier for clients to buy your services

The benefits of online forms is almost endless. Not only will Website Forms decrease your call volume, but it’ll also help ensure you convert those leads into clients.

Credit Cards

Are you still taking cash and checks?


You’re wasting more money than you could ever know.

Improve your cash flow with credit card processing. Having clients pay by card is by far the best way to get your clients to pay you… and pay you on time.

Get full integration with our Partnered Credit Card Processors. This makes it easier to charge your clients. No more bounced checks. No more late payments.

After choosing a credit card processor, you can integrate it into your Service Autopilot account. This means you’ll be able to auto-charge your clients after a service is performed.

In addition, through our Forms, your clients can sign an online permission document via email before you accept them as a client. The language in this document will give you permission to charge their card after any service is rendered… even if they don’t want to pay.

Call Tracking

No doubt, your business gets calls on any given day… and a lot of them.

Eliminate the need for post-it notes and napkin reminders. Keep track of every detail with To-Do and Call Tracking. Clients will love your attention to their needs.

Call Tracking will keep your business organized, so that you don’t miss a call or forget a thing!

Stop losing leads and clients. Start Call Tracking TODAY.


Here’s What Else Service Autopilot Can Give You…

While all of the previous benefits and features are available in select membership plans, there are additional benefits to our more advanced packages - Pro and Pro Plus.

How your life used to be:

  • Employees never show up when they say they do
  • Clients forget about appointments and payments
  • Crews are always getting distracted by wasting time on the clock
  • Clients don’t pay on time and there’s no way to charge them
  • It’s hard to upsell clients without pictures, there are no before/after photos for jobs and there’s no way to deal with damage issues

One of our advanced memberships:

  • Know where your employees are and keep them accountable through GPS Tracking
  • Save time by sending emails and text reminders/alerts to your clients
  • Keep your employees accountable for their work through Time Tracking
  • Make sure your clients pay ON TIME by charging in the field
  • Upsell in the field with job pictures, pin before/after photos to accounts and deal with damage issues IMMEDIATELY

Being a Pro or Pro Plus member has its perks! Save your well-deserved time and money by utilizing this membership. It’ll make your life so much easier.

Check Out Service Autopilot IN ACTION!

See Our Lawn Care Software

See Our Field Service Software


This article will show you how YOU can spend more time with your family as a service industry business owner.

You’ll find out the ins and outs of being a Service Autopilot member as well as the perks of being a Pro or Pro Plus member.

Your family time is important to you, and it’s important to us to. Not only do we make it our personal mission to make your dreams come true, but we want to make sure you’re still focusing on the most important thing that matters… your family!

Take this time to evaluate your everyday business operations, and stop overworking yourself.

Related: How to Build a Recession-Proof Business

Alyssa Sanders

Alyssa is the Team Lead of Creative Marketing at Xplor Field Services. Alyssa is an expert in field service industry trends, roadblocks, and solutions. When she’s not writing or creating engaging content, you can find her watching a new sci-fi series or shoving her nose into a good book.

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