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7 Ways You Can Use Two-Way Texting in Your Cleaning Business

Published on August 29, 2019

It’s another typical day in your cleaning business. You’re in the office checking out your new Google reviews.

Most of them are good, but then you stumble across a bad one.

It’s a client you recently lost. 

They were dissatisfied with your services, and they didn’t know who to call. Problems kept arising, so they canceled their services.

If only you had known they were so dissatisfied, you could’ve fixed it… before they left a bad Google review.

This is what happens when you don’t have an open stream of communication between you and your clients.

Two-way texting is a great way to stay connected to your clients, while also making them feel heard and appreciated.

Here are 7 ways you can use texts to stay in touch with your clients...

1. Thank You/Survey

Sending Thank You/Survey texts to your new cleaning clients is vital to starting a relationship with them. Not only are you thanking them for being a client, but you’re also letting them know you care about their feedback.

You should send this type of text to all new clients after their first service. 


“Hi! Thank you, for choosing [yourcompanyname] as your top choice in cleaning. We hope that you enjoyed today’s service. Would you be willing to take a quick survey about it? Your feedback helps us maintain the quality of our work. Thank you! And we hope to see you soon!”

2. Upsell

By upselling your cleaning services via text, you’re able to PRECISELY determine the perfect time to upsell your clients.

To do this, set up an automated upsell text after great feedback from a Survey text (4 Stars or greater). This text should inform them of the additional services you offer.

On a side note, you can also set up these two-way text automations within Service Autopilot.


“Hello! We just completed your [service]. Did you know we also offer [1-2 related additional upsell services]? If you’re interested, just give us a call at (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Have a great day!”

3. Reviews

Just like you can get clients to take Surveys via text, you can also use them to get Reviews.

These Review texts give your happiest clients a chance to leave a glowing testimonial for your cleaning business. As a result, you’re likely to get more clients from these great reviews.

Send this text immediately after receiving a great survey of 4 Stars or greater to get the best reviews.


“Hi! We’re so happy you enjoyed our services! Would you mind submitting a review on our [review site - consider putting Google here]? Your feedback is GREATLY appreciated!”

4. Hard Sell

If your Upsell text doesn’t convert sales, you’ll want to try again with a Hard Sell text to try to win the sale. Send this text about a week after the upsell text if the customer didn’t convert.

A Hard Sell text can turn an uninterested client into a ready-to-buy one.


1st Text: “We hope you’re having a fantastic day! But do you know what would make that day better? A few less chores around the house.”

Immediate 2nd Text: “We know you’re busy. Let us help, so you can get back to sharing time with your family. We offer [3-5 related additional upsell services]. Call (XXX) XXX-XXXX, because we’ve got [state your offer].”

5. Relationship Management

To nurture your relationship with your cleaning clients, you have to provide avenues for them to engage with your cleaning business.

Clients who have an open, constant stream of engagement with you are more likely to be happier and stay with you.

And so, the sooner you begin this engagement - the better.

A Relationship Management text should be sent the day after the service is rendered for a new client.

However, you shouldn’t send this text if they took a survey and it was 3 Stars or less.


“Hi! It’s [yourfirstname] at [yourcompanyname]! We’re so excited to have you as a client. So we can provide you with valuable information and updates, we’d love it if you’d connect with us on on [insert 1-2 social platforms]!”

6. Gifts to Cleaning Clients

If you want to be irreplaceable to your clients (and sock it to your competition!), your clients need to see value in your business.

In the form of PRO tips via text, you can create great value for your cleaning clients.

Depending on your target market’s needs, be sure to send this text either weekly or bi-weekly.


“No one likes [annoying cleaning chore]. At [yourcompanyname], we’ve found a solution! Here’s your pro tip for the day… Try [solution to annoying daily cleaning chore]. It’ll work like magic!”

7. Final Reminders, Alerts, & Appointment Confirmations

Sending Service Reminder and Alert texts ensures there’s no miscommunication between you and your clients.

Ideally, this means your clients should be happier with their services. (Coincidentally, this might make them more open to your Upsell texts.)

Send your clients reminders of their service time the day before. Plus, update them on any time changes.

In addition, you can also send them Final Reminders if they haven’t set up their service as a recurring appointment.

You can set up these reminders to automatically send to customers within Service Autopilot when you have Pro Plus with Automations.


“Did you forget to schedule your next service? Appointments are starting to fill up! Call (XXX) XXX-XXXX today and reserve your time now.”

BONUS! Client Referrals

As a bonus, you can also send your clients texts to get referrals.

To sweeten the pot, you can give your clients a referral offer as a thank you for helping you grow your cleaning business.

Client Referral texts are great because it’s an easy way to gently ask for referrals. Plus, you’re more likely to get higher quality clients.

However, be sure to only send a Client Referral text to the happy, profitable clients you love.

To maximize the potential of this referral offer, send this text after a great survey or review.


“Congratulations! You’re one of our preferred clients. To thank you for being the best client we could ask for, we’re offering you [state the offer] when you refer a client. Thank you for your loyalty!”

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When you start utilizing the power of two-way texting, you can begin reaping the rewards of having a close relationship with your clients.

Forging a connection with them at an early stage starts off your relationship on the right foot.

In other words, they’re more likely to be loyal to you (and stay a client) when they feel connected and heard from your business.

Two-way texting your cleaning clients is super easy when you have the right automations platform (like Service Autopilot).

If you follow the advice I’ve given you, I promise you’ll be miles ahead of your competition.

Related: How to Make More Money with Cleaning Upsells

Alyssa Sanders

Alyssa is the Team Lead of Creative Marketing at Xplor Field Services. When she's not writing or creating content, you can find her watching a new sci-fi series or shoving her nose into a book.


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