How to Get Leads for Landscaping

Published on March 14, 2024

Whether you’re just getting started or are established in your community, you’ve probably wondered how to get leads for landscaping.

While there are lots of different methods and strategies we’ll show you which are the right ones for your business including:

  • How to use digital lead sources
  • Why traditional advertising still matters
  • Ways to upsell your current customers
  • And so much more!

Know Your Audience

Before you launch a big campaign to get more leads, you need to know your audience first.

This doesn’t need to be overly complicated, but consider these things:

  • The types of clients you’ll serve (retirement communities, new/young families, etc.)
  • Types of services that will appeal to them 
  • Which communities and neighborhoods you serve

Once you’ve got that figured out, you can pick the right strategies to reach that audience.

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Digital Platforms

In today's digital age, one of the most important lead generation channels is your online presence and visibility

Potential clients are searching online for landscapers in their local area, so you need to make sure your business shows up where they are looking.

Optimize Your Website

Start by optimizing your website for local SEO (search engine optimization). 

This means that your city name, service keywords (like "landscaping", "lawn care", etc.), and your business name are in all the important places for the search engines to find you.

This usually includes:

  • Web pages
  • Titles
  • Headings
  • Blogs and body content
  • Image titles and alt text

Finally, make sure your website is fast, mobile-friendly, and easy to navigate. 

Simply put, “calls-to-action” are easy to find and clear about what is next.

This could be scheduling an appointment, making a call, or filling out a contact form.

While there are lots of DIY website platforms that are easy to get up and running, it might be better to invest in a professional web design company.

They can help you with a lot of the back-end work, help you optimize for search, set up link building, and boost your rankings.

Just remember that whether you do it yourself or hire a pro, getting to the top of Google ratings doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes time to build and keep rankings, so be patient and post great content.


Other Business Listings

Claiming and building out detailed listings for your business on Google My Business, Bing Places, Yelp, and other online directories is really important.

On your Google My Business listing, you'll want to include plenty of photos and videos showcasing your work, write compelling descriptions about your services, and encourage happy customers to leave reviews. 

These listings and reviews build trust and let prospective customers know about the kind of quality landscaping work that your company does.

Social Media

We all know that social media is important.

At the very least you should have business pages on Facebook and Instagram. 

Remember that not every post needs to be about asking for a sale!

Post photos/videos of your crews in action, finished landscape projects, and general landscaping tips/advice. 

In the middle of those “value add” posts you can throw in some promos and special offers which are the perfect answer to how to get landscaping leads.

On top of that, be sure to respond to comments and DMs and engage with others too.

You can like and share local community groups, industry publications, and the content your audience is sharing too.

Paid Digital Advertising

Paid advertising is one of the easiest ways to get landscaping leads.

This can actually be one of the best returns on investment when you do things the right way.

Simply put, paid advertising on Google or the major social media channels allows you to hyper-target your campaigns by location, interests, demographics, and more.

This is one of the easiest ways to get in front of prospective clients who are actively searching for landscaping services online.

As a step further, you can set up retargeting campaigns to stay top of mind with prospects.

Retargeting campaigns are perfect for people who visited your website but didn’t take action.

Setting up automated re-targeting campaigns through these paid ad platforms is also a smart move. 

With re-targeting, you'll stay top-of-mind and can nurture people who initially visited your website but didn't take action right away. 

Traditional Advertising

Even though all the buzz typically goes toward digital advertising, you need to remember that traditional offline tactics still work very well.

Also, a good traditional advertising campaign can work with a digital one by keeping you top of mind and adding some additional touch points for potential clients.

Vehicle Wraps and Signage

One of the most impactful traditional marketing tools for the landscaping industry is vehicle wraps and lawn signs. 

As your trucks and crews are driving around town from job to job, your trucks can act like big moving billboards.

On top of that, if you’re doing a big landscaping job, it can be helpful to put a sign in the yard. This lets people in the area know the kind of work you’re doing.

Ideally, you want to have your contact info on the wraps and signs and make sure that they are easily read from a distance.

Pro Tip: Uniforms can also be a great answer on how to get landscaping leads. 

They work in the same way the signs and wraps do, and also keep your team looking professional!

Direct Mail and Door Hangers

Direct mail isn’t dead!

This can be a great way to target specific neighborhoods and subdivisions.

You can write up a nice letter with a special offer in it and send it to those areas.

Or you can keep it really simple and just a promotional postcard.

Either way, you want to show how you’re different from the competition and have an offer that grabs their attention.

You can also use 9-arounds which simply means that your crew hangs up a flyer or door-hanger in the 9 houses where you’re currently doing work.

Promotional Offerings

Speaking of promotions and special offers, these can work great for attracting new leads when done properly.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Percentage or dollar amount discounts for new customers
  • Free design consultation or landscape plan
  • Bundled package deals on combined services

Just make sure any promotions you run have a deadline and clear instructions on what to do next to claim the offer.

Local Events and Sponsorships

Getting your company name and brand out in the local community is a great way to win new landscaping customers.

Look into sponsoring youth sports teams, charities, and community events like fairs or festivals.

Not only are you doing good in your community but it is also a great way to network and get to know people.

Word of Mouth Marketing

You have a secret salesperson that does amazing work for you…

Who are they? Your current clients!

When someone does a fantastic job on your yard, you tell your friends and family, right? 

Encourage your clients to leave positive reviews online and spread the word about your amazing work. 

You can even offer a small discount or free service as a thank you for referrals – it's a win-win!

Getting More Leads

While no strategy is a silver bullet on how to get leads for landscaping, they all play an important role in your company.

Do some experimenting to see what works best, and remember that the winning strategy is likely combining several of the methods listed above.

So set aside some time and a budget to:

  • Update your website
  • Launch digital ads
  • Post on social media
  • And sponsor some local events!

Related: How to Promote a Landscaping Business: The Best 11.5 Ideas

Originally published March 14, 2024 10:05 AM


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