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Lawn Care Marketing: The Easy DIY Guide

Published on March 6, 2024

Despite what you might think, you don’t need to hire a marketing professional in order to begin marketing your business.

In fact, there are endless ways you can easily begin taking advantage of everything lawn care marketing has to offer.

In this easy DIY guide, you’ll discover everything you need to start lawn care marketing yourself!

Now, let’s discuss the top leading ways you can do lawn care marketing yourself—without needing to hire an expert.


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1. The Power of Google

Did you know that millions of people are searching for lawn care services every single day? 

That’s a gold mine for you to find new, clients but you need to learn how to use Google to your advantage.

Here are a few things you should know:

  • Almost Everyone Uses Google: Google has about 8.5 billion searches every day which accounts for over 90% of all search engine traffic
  • More Than Just Text: Google isn't just about typing words, people also use Google Maps to find businesses in their area. 
  • The Power of YouTube: Did you know YouTube is a Google-owned platform? That means people also use YouTube as a search engine to find information, reviews, and more

Your Google Business Profile

A Google Business Profile is like a free online listing for your lawn care business where people can find you on a Google search or in Google Maps.

Setting Up Your Account

Here’s how to set up your Google Business Profile

  • First, go to the Google Business website. Click on "Manage now" to start. You'll need to sign in with a Google account. If you don't have one yet, it's free to make one.
  • Next, type in your business name in the search box. If it's not there, you can add it. Then, fill in your business address.
    • If you are just getting started and don’t have a physical office/business location yet, there is an option to say that your service goes directly to your client's homes/businesses
  • After that, choose your business type. Pick "Lawn Care Service" from the list. Then, add your phone number and website.

Making Your Profile Stand Out

Now that you've set up your profile, it's time to make it look great! 

Add some good photos of your work (think before and after) so that people can see the kind of work that you do.

You’ll also need to write a short description of your business and the services you offer. 

No need to overthink this–just keep it simple and friendly and tell potential clients how you’d help them with lawn care, weeding, fertilization, etc.

Don't forget to add your business hours too so prospects know when they can call you.

By setting up and taking care of your Google Business Profile, you're making it easier for new clients to find and choose your lawn care business. 

It's a simple way to help your business grow!

2. Focus on Getting 5-Star Reviews

In today's digital age, online reviews are the new word of mouth.

In fact, 91% of customers say that local reviews impact the way they see a brand.

That means prospects are looking at Google, Yelp, and Facebook to see what others have to say about your business.

Positive reviews can be incredibly powerful in convincing someone to choose your lawn care services. 

They provide social proof and help build trust with people who have never worked with you before.

On the flip side, just a few negative reviews can hurt your business's reputation

Make sure you’re managing your online review profiles, and encourage your happy clients to leave reviews.

Getting Great Reviews with Service Autopilot

Getting good reviews is super important for your lawn care business, and with Service Autopilot, it's easier than ever to ask for and manage reviews. 

Find Your Happiest Clients

Service Autopilot makes it easy to spot your best clients. You can use our CRM to:

  • See who uses your services the most
  • Check which clients always pay on time
  • Look at feedback ratings from past jobs

These clients are more likely to leave you a great review. They already love your work!

Send Review Requests Automatically

With Service Autopilot, you don't have to remember to ask for reviews. You can set up the software to:

  • Send an email or text after you finish a job
  • Ask for a review a few days after the service
  • Follow up if a client hasn't left a review yet

This way, you're always getting new reviews without having to do extra work.

Make It Easy for Clients

Service Autopilot lets you include direct links to your Google Business Profile or other review sites. 

This means clients can leave a review with just one click. The easier you make it, the more reviews you'll get!

Track Your Reviews

Our software helps you keep an eye on your reviews. You can:

  • See all your reviews in one place
  • Get alerts when you get a new review

This helps you stay on top of what clients are saying about your business.

Respond to Reviews

When you do get reviews, respond to them—both the good and the bad. 

Thank clients who leave positive reviews and let them know you appreciate their business. 

For negative reviews, respond professionally and try to address the issue offline if possible. 

By proactively seeking out and responding to online reviews, you can build a strong online reputation that will help convince more potential clients to trust your lawn care business.

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3. The Power of Digital Ads

Balancing Google Ads and SEO

When local homeowners need lawn care services, they are usually heading to Google to search.

In fact, Google accounts for roughly 81% of search engine traffic.

This means, that if you want to reach potential customers who are actively searching for the services you offer, you need to invest in search engine marketing. 

There are two main components to this:

  • Search engine optimization (i.e. SEO)
  • Pay-per-click (i.e. PPC) advertising

SEO involves optimizing your website to rank higher in organic search results for relevant keywords. 

This includes things like:

  • Optimizing your page titles and descriptions
  • Creating valuable content that includes your target keywords
  • Building high-quality backlinks from other reputable websites

PPC advertising, on the other hand, involves paying to have your ads appear at the top of the search results for specific keywords. 

When someone clicks on your ad, you pay a fee (hence the name "pay-per-click").

Google Ads (a form of PPC) can be a fast way to get your lawn care business in front of potential clients, but it can also get expensive if you're not careful.

Plus, Google Ads reach leads who are actively searching for your services, instead of leads who may or may not be searching for lawn care services.

If you're not sure where to start with search engine marketing, consider working with a digital marketing agency that specializes in helping lawn care businesses attract more customers online. 

They can help you to:

  • Identify the right keywords
  • Optimize your website
  • Run effective PPC campaigns

The Ultimate Guide to
Lawn Care Advertising + Templates!


4. Ensure Your Website Makes a Great First Impression 

Once potential customers find your lawn care business online, your website is often their first point of contact with your brand. 

Your website should be:

  • Professional
  • Easy to navigate
  • Optimized for mobile devices

Plus, your website needs to clearly communicate:

  • Who you are
  • What services you offer
  • Why leads should choose your business over the competition

Also, consider adding blog content where you share helpful lawn care tips, industry news, and answers to common questions

This not only provides value and establishes your authority in the industry, but it also helps with your SEO efforts.

Take a look at a few key concepts to include in your website:

Finally, make sure your website is secure, fast-loading, and easy to update. 

A slow, outdated, or poorly functioning website can turn potential customers away and hurt your search engine rankings.

If you don't have the budget to hire a web developer, then you can design your website yourself using a user-friendly site builder (e.g. GoDaddy, Wix, Squarespace, etc.). 

A well-designed website is an investment that can pay off in an increase in leads, more conversions, and more revenue for your business.

Pro Tips!

In order to track your site traffic, be sure to set up Google Analytics and Google Search Console on your website.

Plus, don’t forget to routinely update your website (e.g. contact information, service offerings, job site photos, etc.).

Also, roughly 55% of web traffic is done on mobile phones so it’s important to ensure your website is mobile-friendly.

Remember, 89% of consumers research local businesses online. Which means, your website hugely impacts your local reputation.

5. Leverage Social Media

Social media has become an important marketing tool for businesses of all kinds, and lawn care companies are no exception. 

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X offer tremendous opportunities to connect with local homeowners, build brand awareness, and generate leads.

Facebook in particular can be a goldmine for lawn care businesses, with paid ads and organic posts.

In fact, Facebook is still the largest online social network with roughly 3.05 billion active monthly users.

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By regularly posting interesting, helpful, and relevant content, you can build a following of leads as well as nurture relationships with existing clients.

Here are a few ideas for engaging social media content your business can share:

Encourage your followers to like, comment, and share your posts to increase your reach, and when people comment on your posts or send you messages, be sure to respond promptly and professionally.

By building an active presence on Facebook and other social media platforms, you can stay top-of-mind with potential customers, demonstrate your expertise, and drive more traffic to your website. 

6. Grow Your Email List 

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to:

  • Cultivate meaningful relationships with existing clients
    • Pro tip: upsell, cross-sell, and get referrals through these emails
  • Nurture leads to convert them into clients

When someone joins your email list, they're giving you direct permission to communicate with them. 

That means emails are a powerful channel for building relationships, staying top-of-mind, and driving repeat business.

These are a few content ideas for your emails (e.g. newsletter) for both leads and clients alike:

  • Lawn care tips
  • Company news
  • Promotional offers
  • Blogs (if you don’t already have any, share industry leader blogs)

Just remember, with email marketing, quality is more important than quantity. 

It's better to have a smaller list of engaged subscribers than a large list of people who never open your emails.

Now, let’s take a look at how you can grow your list of leads:

Grow Your List of Leads

To build your email list of leads, think about offering a valuable lead magnet in exchange for their email address, such as:

  • Coupons or discounts on services
  • A seasonal lawn maintenance checklist
  • A downloadable guide on common lawn care problems and solutions

Promote your lead magnet on your website, social media channels, and in any print marketing materials you distribute. 

Don’t overthink this, just make the value clear and the signup process easy.

Offer exclusive discounts or first access to new services, and you can even use email to ask for feedback or reviews to keep the conversation going.

Automate Your Email Campaigns

If it feels like you spend a ton of time sending out emails, you may need to up your software.

Because, with the right software solution, you can easily send emails without having to do it manually every time, with something called automation.

Simply put, automation is like a robot helper working behind the scenes for you. 

You tell it what to do and when to do it, and it takes care of the tasks for you automatically saving you a ton of time.

With Service Autopilot, you can set up different types of email automations. 

For example, you can create a welcome email that goes out to every new client that says hello, thanks them for choosing your business, and gives them important information.

You can also set up emails that go out based on what your clients do. 

If a client hasn't used your services in a while, you can have an email sent to check in on them.

Or, if it's time for seasonal services like fall clean-up, you can send an email to all your clients about that.

One of the great things about automations is that you can personalize them to include each client's name or specific details about their lawn. 

This makes the emails feel more personal, even though they're sent automatically.

Service Autopilot also lets you track how well your emails are doing. You can see how many people open your emails and click on links inside them. 

This helps you know what's working and what you might need to change.

Remember, the goal of these automated emails is to keep in touch with your clients without spending hours writing emails every day. It's a great way to build relationships, remind clients about services, and grow your business - all while saving you time!

Automations is the  #1 way to follow up  with clients. If you’re not using it, your business might still be successful - but it won’t grow. 

Start Automations Tour

In Service Autopilot, our automations send emails and texts to:​

Every lead after an estimate is completed
Clients after their property has been serviced​
Remind leads and clients to send you customer feedback​
Update outdated or declined payment information​
Inform them when a service can’t be completed due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. weather)​
Remind them of maintenance tips (i.e. putting a cover on the outdoor faucet before the winter)​
Start Automations Tour

7. Amplify the Effect of Print Marketing

In the digital age, it's easy to overlook traditional print marketing, but this is still a strong lawn care marketing tactic—especially when you pair it with digital ads. 

Proven strategies like flyers, door hangers, and direct mail can still be highly effective ways to reach local homeowners.

The key is to amplify the effect of print marketing using digital ads. 

In addition to completing 9-arounds, it’s also important to pair it with digital ads.

For example, you can easily maximize the effect of your flyers and door hangers with targeted Facebooks Ads.

Target specific neighborhoods where you’d like to increase route density—all while continuing to complete 9-arounds.

In turn, you’ll be able to touch leads multiple times to increase the chance of conversion. This is important since it can take 6-8 touches to convert a lead into a client.

Also, be sure to consider submitting local ads in newspapers and other local platforms!

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8. Leave Yard Signs Behind

By leaving yard signs behind on serviced properties, you can establish your presence and local brand recognition.

Consider leaving behind a simple yard sign with your business name, logo, phone number, and website.

While you can consider leaving sandwich boards on properties as you’re servicing them, yard signs serve as a longer-lasting leave-behind.

9. Implement a Referral Program

WOM referrals (i.e. word of mouth) are the holy grail of lawn care marketing. 

When a satisfied client recommends your business to a friend, neighbor, or family member, that new lead comes to you with built-in trust and credibility.

Referred clients are also more likely to be loyal and to refer others themselves, creating a strong cycle of growth for your lawn care business.

But here's the thing: while referrals are incredibly valuable, they don't just happen on their own. 

To get more referrals, you need to actively seek them out and make it easy for your happy clients to spread the word.

Start by providing exceptional service that goes above and beyond expectations, because happy clients are much more likely to refer others than those who are merely satisfied.

Here’s how to make “the ask” for referrals:

  • Add it to email newsletters
  • Include it in your invoices
  • Bring it up in conversations with clients
  • Promote it on your website as well as your client portal

Also, consider including an incentive for referrals, like a discount on future services or a gift card to a local business. 

People are more likely to go out of their way to refer others if there's something in it for them.

Make it easy for clients to refer you by providing referral cards (e.g. business cards) they can hand out, or a unique referral link they can share online. 

Finally, always thank clients who refer new business to you!

A handwritten note, a phone call, or a small gift can go a long way in showing your appreciation and encouraging them to keep referring your services to others in the future.

By making referrals a priority in your lawn care marketing strategy, you can tap into the power of word-of-mouth and build a business that grows organically through happy clients.

10. Wrap Your Trucks and Trailers 

Your trucks and trailers are mobile billboards for your business, and wherever they go, they have the potential to grab attention, build brand awareness, and generate leads.

Did you know, vehicle wraps can generate between 30,000-70,000 impressions per day?

But to maximize this potential, your vehicles need to be more than just a logo slapped on a door. 

Invest in full vehicle wraps that turn your trucks and trailers into eye-catching, professional representations of your brand.

Use bold, easy-to-read designs that feature your logo, contact information, and a brief description of your services. 

Remember, your vehicle wraps will be seen by people driving by at high speeds, so keep the design simple and the text minimal. 

The goal is to make a strong impression and make it easy for interested homeowners to remember your name and contact you.

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Begin Your Lawn Care Marketing Journey

Lawn care marketing takes time, effort, and consistency. 

There's no silver bullet that will suddenly flood your business with new clients overnight. However, by focusing on proven strategies and committing to ongoing lawn care marketing efforts, you can steadily build your brand, attract more leads, and grow your revenue.

Related: Finding Your Company’s “Why” With Drew Larison

Originally published Jan 28, 2019 7:00 AM, updated Jul 23, 2024 10:30 AM

Alyssa Sanders

Alyssa is the Team Lead of Creative Marketing at Xplor Field Services. When she's not writing or creating content, you can find her watching a new sci-fi series or shoving her nose into a book.


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